Muahaha... my baby made me write again. this blog was abandoned once again since i had no interest in writing it at all. Life for the past 6 months was pretty boring. The only highlight was i GRADUATED !!! Yes! i FINALLY graduated. That's all. End of story.
Well, i'm now in the process of applying PR. Hope all goes well though. For now, all i can do is work and work and work at the cafe that i had been working since the beginning of this year. So my life is BORING. I've been trying to save up since i splurged on my trip to Fallscreek (which is an utter disaster. DON'T ASK WHY). If i'm to stay/work here, i promised to make the Fallscreek trip an annual event. SNOWBOARDING is the best sport! Love it! But i earn peanuts at the cafe i worked. If you convert to ringgit then i think i'm quite rich........
Oh yeah, I'm addicted to MAHJONG !! haha. I only learnt to play the game a couple of weeks ago and now i'm the proud owner of a mahjong table and a mahjong set. To think that my mum never wanted to teach me. HAHA. Dear mom, i can now play mahjong with you. haha. Well, it's a cheap form of entertainment which makes time seem to fly. The best part was that my baby is addicted to it too. It's pretty funny for a guy that can't read chinese charaters trying to play mahjong. He even had difficulty differentiating North, South, East and West when he started playing.
I just celebrated my 3rd anniversary with my baby yesterday. Sorry baby i ruined your plan. I didn't know i will get off work that late. Well, maybe some other time. Oh, and thanks for the surprise. I WAS surprised when i entered my room. :) And dinner was GREAT.
My Bed
Look at the flower petals
My Baby and the Seafood Platter
Seafood Platter
But i forgot to take pictures of the appetizer and dessert. Damn.
My Baby in front of the restaurant
My BABY is SO SWEET! No wonder i love him so much.