Thursday, November 15, 2007

Things in Life That MONEY Can't Buy

Money is important, very very important in fact.

I know some of you guys must be thinking, "What the f**k? Money is nothing compare to health and happiness." True true, but that's not what i'm getting at.

There is still a possibility that money can buy health. Yes, YOU NEED MONEY! First and foremost, to eat healthy is expensive. Vegetables and fruits here in Melbourne are more expensive compare to meat. When you are sick, medicine can be very VERY expensive. Hence, money can still buy health, though indirectly.

Happiness? Withouht money, you are f**king dead. End of story.

Alright, the point is, there is something no matter how much money you have, you can't buy.

For example, imagine you see this car on the road, a Zonda,

But you see a man that looks like that driving it.

What will be the first thing that crossed your mind? I wonder...

You can have plenty of money and dress yourself with LV, Gucci, Prada, Dior, Hermes or the most expensive clothing in the world, but there is still something be missing if you don't it.

Yes, i am talking about CLASS.

Money can buy everything except CLASS and not everyone has it.



Wednesday, November 14, 2007

One Small Step for Man, One Giant Leap for Mankind

I believe graduation is an important milestone for all students as it marked the end of a long period of learning and the beginning of a new career, often a first career.

Graduation Tickets

3 Tickets. One for dad, one for mum, and the last one for my baby!

Nowadays, a degree is a necessity in life. It does not guarantee a successful life and neither does it guarantee you a happy life ever after. Getting a degree is just like gaining an entry ticket to join the workforce. Welcome to the reality of life.

The convocation was pretty impressive actually.

In Robert Blackwood Hall

But the saddest part was after paying so much for tuition fee, all i get was less than 10 second of fame walking on stage to receive my testamur from the Chancellor. Let me repeat, BLOODY HELL!! LESS THAN 10 SECOND !!! Don't even have enought time for my baby to capture a proper shot of me on the stage.

Nonetheless, a very happy me!




and of course, my parents!

Mum and Dad

Monash's Motto, Ancora Imparo which means "I am still learning".

Yes, forever...

